Conquering Fear Part 2 (05/10/2020)

Conquering Fear Part 2 (05/10/2020)

May 11, 2020

OPENING STATEMENT: Fear of failing is shrinking back from an assignment or season or direction for the mere fact of: WHAT. IF. IT. FAILS. That thought alone is crippling and paralyzing enough to actually not do what we are supposed to do. The thought of something failing and disappointing the people in our lives or something not looking perfect can be large enough in our eyes that we actually DON’T do something He’s called us to.

  • Fear of failure at its root is NOT FULLY TRUSTING IN GOD. We deep down don’t believe what He says about us or that what He promises will actually happen.
  • We have to remind ourselves that when it’s God’s will…the outcome is up to God. Not us. The responsibility of the outcome is His. He’s not measuring our lives on success or failure. He simply wants obedience.

OPENING SCRIPTURE:  Joshua 1:9  Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

For fear of failure to lose its power and hold…getting our mind on something different than the failure is absolutely crucial! Sometimes we have to step back and look at the bigger picture. In this bigger picture there are 2 things to consider:  Others and You


  • When you are called by God to do something, there are people on the other side of us moving beyond that fear of failure.
  • Who’s gonna benefit from YOU not shrinking back. From YOU stepping out even though you might be scared but you know it’s what God has called you to do!
  • So what if you’ve failed….Micah 7:8 tells us to get back up



  • He has good things planned for you. Jer 29:11 His plans for us are a hope and a future
  • God has a tremendous amount of stake in you.
  • No one is more invested in you doing well in life than God. He’s poured His destiny and fullness in you.
  • He hasn’t remained faithful all those years to just stop. What he started in you, He will complete in your life. YOUR LIFE Philippians 1:6

STATEMENT: We need to redefine what we think of when we say the word: Failure.
Failing  actually HAS benefits

  • Sometimes success comes from a previous failure. That reminds me that even failures are never wasted moments or seasons. And success AFTER a failure has so much deeper reward too.
  • Failing can educate us. We can grow from it. Be open to see what went on inside or thought processes we allowed that contributed to the situation. Sometimes we didn’t do anything wrong though! Sometimes the failure came from outside of our control.
  • It fosters and creates an environment where empathy and compassion and sensitivity can live. When we’ve been through some failures…. we are more sympathetic to others when they endure seasons of it as well.
  • So many people that have marked moments in history failed! Michael Jordan, Abraham Lincoln, etc.

Michael Jordan: “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

He didn’t look at failure as we see failure. He said yeah I failed. But that pushed me all the more to succeed!

All these things happened before Abraham Lincoln was elected:

Lost his job. Lost when he ran for state legislature. Failed in his business. Sweetheart died. Had nervous breakdown. Defeated for speaker. Didn’t even receive nomination for Congress. Finally elected to Congress and then lost renomination. Defeated for Senate. Didn’t even receive nomination for Vice President. All that before being elected President.

Even though we might be shaking in our boots. Even though, yes it might fail…what can push us to walk in it anyway?
LOVE. Love Thinking about those waiting on the other side of your fear. Think of those that are broken… that you have been assigned to impact and touch towards heaven. I know this one is hard for lots of us: Think of YOU…the destiny and fullness He’s created you for.

Perfect love drives out fear. I John 4:18 When we meditate on those focus’ that’s pure love.


  • What is the Holy Spirit saying to you through this message?

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