Only One Said Thank You

Only One Said Thank You

November 12, 2023


Awhile back a postcard was published that featured an old-fashioned Thanksgiving Day picture of a Pilgrim family walking toward a church. A mother showed her kids the card explaining how the Pilgrim children enjoyed observing Thanksgiving by attending church with their parents. One of her skeptical children asked his mother, “Well, if those children liked to go to church so much, why is their father walking behind them with a rifle in his hand?”

Why did Luke mention that a Samaritan came back to give thanks to Jesus?

The Jews disdained the Samaritans because of the mixed marriage lineage!

I. Christians should emphasize thanksgiving toward God because of HIS redemption toward us.
II. A lifestyle of thanksgiving separates us from the world.
III. We should continually thank God because HE constantly provides for us.


Psalms 23 – God speaks overall provision for our lives.

• What is the Holy Spirit saying to you through this message?

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